raipur news Raipur (Jaseri). The trend of night parties is increasing rapidly in the capital. Most of the youth participate in these parties and the purpose is only to get intoxicated. When hookah bars were running, a large number of young men and women and minors used to go there. They also used to consume ganja and alcohol. After the hookah bar was closed, the safe haven for drug addicts also closed. Hookah bar operators also suffered financial loss. To compensate for this, night parties are being organized. Where there were hookah bars, now pubs and restaurants have been made there. On weekends, parties are also organized by taking one-day liquor license. According to sources, dry intoxicants are also being made available in many pubs under the guise of one-day license. Liquor is being served in many pubs without permission.
chhattisgarh news More than 50 pubs-restaurants, hotels
Chhattisgarh Vidhan Sabha, VIP Road, Mandirhasaud and Nava Raipur have more than 50 hotels, restaurants and pubs, where night parties are held. On Saturdays and Sundays, they remain open till 2 to 3 am. In most of them, drugs are provided under the pretext of party. In the Vidhan Sabha area, the pubs near the main road are so crowded that the roads get jammed. Sometimes, the crowd of party youth remains till 4 am in the morning.
Youth in intoxication, crime on the rise
Partying till late night with intoxication leads to crime. Incidents like Hotel Queens Club, IP Club have come to light. Apart from this, there is also a possibility of incidents like road accidents, fights, stabbing.
The rule is 12 midnight
Hotels, restaurants, pubs and dhabas that have license to serve alcohol can keep it open till 12 midnight. Opening after this is illegal. Excise and police can take action against those who do so. However, this time is also for bars. Despite this, drinking and serving continues till after midnight in VIP Road, Vidhan Sabha, Mana and Nava Raipur.
Hookah business closed
At one time, there were more than 100 hookah bars in the capital. Apart from a large number of youth, minors were also getting addicted to drugs. After receiving complaints, the police launched a campaign against it. Due to continuous action, all hookah bars were closed. Hookah bars also used to run till late night and apart from hookah, ganja and alcohol were also served in them. Drugs were also being sold in some hookah bars. However, the city’s police captain says that pubs and bars having a license to serve alcohol are allowed only till 12 in the night. After that, there is no permission. Hookah bars have been closed due to the strictness of the police. The police take action on receiving information about serving alcohol or any banned intoxicant against the rules. Action will be taken further as well.
Most bar girls in the capital
The trend of night parties has increased rapidly in the capital, it has become common for drunken youth and couples to dance to the beats and beats of DJs and bar girls in hotels and clubs. In the capital, more bar girls are adding to the glory of hotels and clubs than in big and metro cities. Big DJs are called for night parties in which special arrangements are made for youngsters and couples. The way night and drunken parties were allowed in hotels and clubs during the previous regime has now become a trend.