What are the symptoms of conjunctivitis

Monsoon season is going on and in many parts of the country monsoon has caused devastation. Where on one hand the condition of the people has deteriorated. On the other hand, monsoon diseases are creating problems for the people. Yes, recently eye infection is spreading rapidly. Most cases of eye infection are being reported from Delhi-NCR and surrounding areas. Actually conjunctivitis is a disease of the eyes.
It is common to have pink eye in this disease. This disease is spreading rapidly. A large number of people are getting troubled due to this eye disease. After all, what are the symptoms of this problem and how can it be dealt with? Today we are going to tell you about that. Let’s know what is eye flu and how it happens?

What is Eye Flu
Eye fever is also known as conjunctivitis. This is an infection due to which symptoms like swelling of the eyes and redness of the eyes appear. It affects the white part of the eyes and the inner lining of the eyelids. It is seen most during the monsoon. Due to low temperature and high humidity, people are getting this disease due to exposure to bacteria, viruses and allergens. These are the cause of eye infections like conjunctivitis.

symptoms of conjunctivitis
sensitivity to light
white sticky discharge
tear more than usual
Take special care of these things
Keep cleanliness around you.
Do not touch your eyes again and again.
Do not water the eyes repeatedly, but wash them from time to time with cold water.
If you have eye flu, do not share your eyes and facial items such as towels and handkerchiefs with anyone.
If you wear lenses, do not wear lenses during this time.
Take only the medicine prescribed by the doctor.
Go less in public places.
Cover your eyes when you go out of the house.
Do not use the belongings of an infected person.

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