Waking up late at night makes you addicted

Public Relations Webdesk | A new research has revealed that people who stay awake late at night get addicted to the wrong things. Due to these bad habits, the possibility of early death increases by 9%.

In a research conducted in Finland, it was said that compared to those who are awake during the day, people who wake up at night consume tobacco, alcohol. They get addicted to drugs, which is dangerous for life. Melatonin hormone is released late in the body of late sleepers. This hormone has an important role in getting sleep. In fact, every person has an internal 24-hour body clock or circadian rhythm. It is responsible for releasing the hormone melatonin to induce sleep. In people who sleep late, it is released late, due to which sleep comes late and people are not able to wake up early in the morning. Because of this, even if they wake up early after sleeping late, they are not able to remain active. Energy comes in them only till afternoon-evening.

This research has been published in Chronobiology International. For this, between 1981 and 2018, a study was done on health-related behavior and diseases of 24 thousand twins (twins). These people were asked questions about their sleep cycles. It was found in the study that 10% of the people answered that they stay awake till late in the night. 33% people said that they like to stay awake till late night. 29% people said that they sleep early at night and wake up early in the morning. Whereas, 27.7% people like to wake up in the morning.

During 37 years (1981 to 2018), 8,728 people also died. His death records were seen for the study. During this, their education level, sleep duration and their intoxicating habits were studied. It was found that people who stayed awake till late in the night died sooner than those who slept early in the night. The change of season affects our sleep. A research has revealed that people do not get sleep easily during the summer season. People have difficulty in sleeping. On the other hand, people fall asleep easily in the cold.

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