Trend of friendship marriage is increasing rapidly in Japan

Lifestyle: These days, the definition of relationships is changing rapidly for people. Different types of trends are being seen in relationships every day all over the world. In this sequence, a new type of relationship is becoming popular in Japan. Friendship marriage is becoming increasingly popular among the youth here. According to the South China Morning Post (SCMP), in this new type of marital relationship, people are becoming platonic partners without loving each other or having a physical relationship.

This trend has become so popular in Japan that thousands of people, about one percent of its population of 124 million, are choosing this type of relationship. These people include asxual, homosexual and heteroxuals who have traditional marriages. Have no interest in. Let us know in detail about this new relationship trend-

What is friendship marriage?
Friendship marriage is a type of relationship where both the people are legally life partners but lived without making love or having sexual relations with each other. Such people can live together or separately. Also, if they want to plan a child, they can have a child through artificial means. Not only this, in this relationship, both people are also free to have romantic relationships with other people outside their marriage, as long as they have mutual consent.

An agency named Colors, which specializes in friendship marriage, has shared data related to this new trend. According to its data, since March 2015 till now, about 500 people have got married in this type of marriage in Japan. According to the SCMP, the agency revealed that they have set up homes and some have even raised children.

How does friendship marriage work?
This is not like a traditional romantic love marriage or marrying your best friend, but it is an arrangement in which the couple usually meets before the wedding and discuss all the things related to their life like whether to dine together or not, expenses. Spend hours or days agreeing on how to divide the household, how household chores will be divided, etc.

Despite sounding unromantic, this type of relationship has helped about 80% of couples live happily together, Kalras said. In many cases, some couples are also raising children together, the agency said.

Who is choosing friendship marriage?
According to SCMP, people interested in this type of relationship are on average 32 to 33 years old and have incomes above the national average. It is also popular among as*xual people and homosexuals trying to escape the traditional marriage pattern.

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