Today is the 60th death anniversary of the great social reformer Gurudev Madan Lal.

Public Relations Webdesk | Charitra Chudamani, lecturer Gurudev Shri Madan Ji Maharaj was born in April 1895 to Murari Lal Jain and Gendabai in village Rajpur, district Sonepat (Haryana). There was all kinds of fun in the house since your birth, so you were named Mauji Ram by the family. After the death of your parents in your childhood, you were brought up in the house of your aunt Morni Devi in Delhi. On December 23, 1912, during a revolutionary event with the British rulers in Delhi, Mauji Ram took a vow that if his life is saved today, he will take initiation. On August 16, 1914, at Bamnauli, taking initiation at the feet of Gurudev Chhote Lal ji and Nathu Lal ji, the boy Mauji Ram became Madan Muni.

His life was spent amidst strict discipline, after which he did the work of great social reform by connecting millions of youth in North India with religion. Convinced of his talent, he decorated many important posts of the Sadhu Samaj in his youth itself. In 1956, you became the Prime Minister of the Shraman Sangh.

In the last moments of his life, throat cancer caught this great Vibhuti and on June 27, 1963, leaving his mortal body at Jandiala Guru, he went to Devlok. His 60th Punya Smriti Divas is being celebrated all over India today in the holy presence of the present Sangh Director Shri Naresh Muni Ji Maharaj.

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