The IT minister KTR laid foundation stone at Wanaparthy district

The IT minister KTR along with the Agriculture minister S Niranjan Reddy minister laid foundation stone for Oil palm Industry worth of 300 crores at Sanki Reddi Pally of Vanaparthi district. KTR addressed a public meeting held at Wanaparthi Politechnic college . MLA ala Venkateswara Reddy ,MP Manne Srinivas Reddy,MP Ramulu were participated in this program. Also Read – Telangana minister to go on America tour for one week A special mission Bhageeratha scheme constructed at a cost of 425 crores was also launched at Bugga palli Tanda and 96 double bedrooms have been opened at Rajapet of Wanaparthi district. On this occasion The IT minister addressing the meeting said that The Telangana state has became the leader in rice production in the country. He criticised the centre government that it is keeping un certain condition to procure paddy producers in the state.Hence he advised the farmers to take up oil palm cultivation in a huge area, which can give an average income of 12 thousend rupees per Acker per month.He said that the Telangana government is promoting modern farming methods for better yielding.The farmers should utilise the services of scientists and officials. Also Read – Telangana Government releases Rs 147.3 crores for Wanaparthy district KTR said that Palamuru farmers are creating Miracles .In Palamuru migration was said to be irrigation today. The scene of Palamuru will be changed with the Palamuru Rangareddy irrigation project. The water of Krishna will diverted to the waste lands of Palamuru. He made it clear that the BRS will win the election and KCR will become CM again. The Agriculture minister Singi Reddy Niranjan Reddy said that Also Read – PRRLI will pave way for Palamuru prosperity the country needs 22 million tonnes of oil every year. It has been revealed that we are importing 15 thousand million tonnes of oil every year.He said that the farmers are benefiting alot from the oil palm.He said that oil palm is growing in 1lakh 25 thousand acres in Telangana state and 5 thousand acres in Wanaparthi district alone. It was a place of drought at once, Also Read – Asia’s biggest market to come up in Hyderabad now it is the place of plenty of water and crops with wealth with the foresight of our CM KCR he said. The agri minister said that for the promotion of oil palm cultivation ,zones hav been divided in district wise and handed over to the companies.While oil palm is cultivated in 39 thousand acres in 35 years.Now the new oil palm cultivation has been taken up in 1 lakh 22 thousand acres and it will reach to 2 lakh acres soon.He said that the CM KCR in order to strengthen the agriculture has initiated the crop rotation and as part of that oil palm cultivation is being encouraged. MPs Potuganti Ramulu,Manne Srinivas Reddy, MLA Ala Venkateswara Reddy, Corporation Chairperson Rajani Sai Chand ,Valya Nayak,Aanja neya Goud ,ZP Chairperson were participated in the meeting.

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