Temporary bridge washed away due to incessant rain in Gajapati

Gajapati: A temporary bridge was washed away due to incessant rain near Bandhaguda of Mohana block in Gajapati district.

As the water level in the Hariabhanga river has risen, the temporary bridge washed away and vehicular communication with the three villages have been cut off. People are in a state of panic mode due to collapse of bridge and the entire village is flooded due to the river water.

According to reports, the villagers had built a temporary bridge on river Haribhanga and people of three villages depended on the wooden pole. Due to continous rainfall, the pole was washed away.

The villagers are crossing the river in dangerous condition, while some are crossing on dry trunks. The people of Limbada, Mathakupa and Bijapur are demanding for an alternative solution

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