Solar Farm Station: The standard of living of farmers will change

Dantewada news. With the use of solar energy, a positive change can be seen in the standard of living of farmers as a result of increasing their production capacity. Solar rays are the most prominent medium of non-conventional and renewable sources of energy, in which solar rays are converted into electrical energy with the help of solar photovoltaic cells. Efforts are being made to benefit the farmers of Dantewada district by increasing agricultural productivity by combining this energy and modern agricultural technology. In this sequence, a solar farm station costing about Rs 27 lakh has been established in village Bade Tumnar under Geedam block. By energizing the farmer pumps from this solar farm station, not only will the irrigation capacity be increased, but various types of modern agricultural machinery such as “thresher and seeder” etc. will also be operated by it, which were run through electrical energy till now. chhattisgarh

chhattisgarh news Departmental officials said that a solar powered mini paddy threshing mill has also been set up in Dantewada district which will be completely run by solar energy. In this regard, the operator of this solar farm station said that the quality of rice produced from paddy from this solar powered mini mill is better and the rice also breaks less. Also, other machines used in farming can also be easily run through it. This will save time and labor for the farmers. For this, a group of farmers has also been trained to operate a solar power station.

It is noteworthy that about 10 farmers have agricultural land on the banks of the Tumnar river flowing near village Bade Tumnar, where farming is their main source of income and they have been doing farming in old ways. They generally do not need irrigation in the rainy season, but in the non-monsoon season, the problem of water for crops always stood in front of them. These farmers said that till now they used to do farming depending on rain and most of the farmers did not have the facility of electric pumps, so they had difficulty in planting the second crop. But now with the establishment of solar power station, there will be a provision of perennial water, due to which farmers will be able to take double-triple crops.

Guddi Ram Kashyap, Sarpanch of Bade Tumnar village said that there is an atmosphere of enthusiasm among the farmers here due to the installation of solar power station. Mr. Kashyap said that the local farmers have also learned to use all types of agricultural machinery running through solar energy and now they are eager to take advantage of it in Rabi crops after the Kharif season. Especially those farmers who have been growing seasonal vegetables like Ridge gourd, lady’s finger, bitter gourd, brinjal etc. on the river bank for a long time. In the upcoming Rabi season, they will give a new perspective to vegetable production through solar energy. Solar energy technology is a boon in remote, power-less areas. For those farmers who are unable to do farming despite the desire due to lack of electric pumps, the solar power station has come as a ray of hope for them and through this, the farming families of village Bade Tumnar will now be able to change their economic and social status by increasing productivity.

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