People were made aware about HIV AIDS

Durg. A street play was organized on Gaurav Path for HIV AIDS awareness under the joint aegis of Red Ribbon Club and Red Cross Society of Seth R.C.S. Arts and Commerce College. Through the street play, students made people aware about the causes of HIV AIDS and the measures to prevent it. The main reasons include unsafe sex, using the same needle more than once, infected blood and it spreads from a pregnant woman to her child.

Through the play, the students told that this disease does not spread by eating together, wearing the clothes of an infected person, or using the toilet. They also informed that ELISA test can be done in the government hospital for testing HIV AIDS.

On this occasion, the college’s in-charge principal and head of the department of political science Dr. Pramod Yadav and all the professors, employees, students and a large number of common people were also present. The play was organized under the direction of Farah Parveen Siddiqui, nodal officer of Red Cross Red Ribbon. The students who presented the street play included Urvashi, Santan, Nirjhara, Khilesh Kumar, Sandeep, Kushal, Bharti Sahu, Samiksha Sahu and Shivangi Bajpai.

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