Visakhapatnam: On the occasion of National Technology Day 2024, Naval Science and Technology Laboratory (NSTL), the premier naval research laboratory of Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO), Visakhapatnam, organized an informative and impactful program at Mahapatra Mansi Auditorium on 10 May . , Every year on 11 May India celebrates National Technology Day. The day honors the successful nuclear tests conducted at Pokhran on 11 May and 13 May 1998. The Chief Guest is Surendra Kumar, eminent scientist and former Director of Armament Research and Development Establishment (ARDE), Pune and the special guest of the occasion was Dr. Y. Srinivasa Rao, Distinguished Scientist and Director General (Naval Systems and Materiel), DRDO. , The program began with the lighting of the lamp by the dignitaries, followed by the welcome address by Dr. Kishore Kumar Katikani Scientist ‘F’ and Chairman NTDC-2024. He informed that more than 6,000 students visited the Open House Exhibition organized as part of NTDC-2024. Dr. HN Das, Scientist-G and Acting Director, NSTL, expressed happiness over the overwhelming response to the Open House Exhibition, which showcased startup models of school and college students. He appealed to the students to work in smart and innovative ways towards more useful use of technological advancements. Special guest Dr. Srinivas Rao suggested the students from various educational institutions to move from basic research to applied research with innovative ideas. He said that there is no doubt in saying that India is turning into an era of new technologies with new ideas from emerging minds. Further, he listed various technical achievements of DRDO laboratories in the group of naval systems and materials. Chief guest Surendra Kumar described innovative students as the inventors of the future. He gave a detailed presentation on the different stages of the life of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam and what students can learn from him. He concluded by saying that innovation is vital to the success of any nation, economy or organization. On this occasion, Scientist- E S Sathiya Kumar has been awarded Titanium Medal and Director Commendation Certificate for his lecture on the topic “Indigenous Li-ion Battery Technology is Immune to Thermal Runaway! – Experimental Validations”. The program concluded with the distribution of prizes to the winners of various competitions organized by the students of schools and colleges. In the quiz competition, students of St. Ann’s School, Ramanath School and Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 2 won first, second and third prizes respectively. In the drawing competition, students of Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 2, Balaji Highfields School and DAV Public School won first, second and third prize respectively. Students from Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering (A), Vignans Institute of Engineering for Women and Dadi Institute of Engineering and Technology have won the first, second and third prizes respectively.