Punjab: Mohali police have arrested two members of a criminal gang operated by terrorists Lakhbir Landa and Gurdev Singh Jaisal. The arrested persons have been identified as Avtar Singh (21), a resident of Tarn Taran, and Amarbir Singh (20), a 12th pass resident of Khadoor Sahib. They were arrested on January 15 for their involvement in several robbery and extortion cases. Five pistols, 13 live cartridges and a car snatched from Sahnewal in Ludhiana have also been recovered from them.
According to police, Ekamdeep Singh Brar of Patiala had complained that he and his friends were chased by three bike-borne youths while going to Mohali on January 8. The accused fired at the complainant with their illegal weapons with the intention of killing him and snatching his car, police said. The three accused had come by bus from Khadoor Sahib to Rajpura on January 7 to join the farmers’ protest at Shambhu border of Punjab and Haryana. They had snatched a man’s bike after firing two rounds at him on the Rajpura-Ambala highway.