UP: Panchayati Raj Minister Om Prakash Rajbhar on Saturday said that Lord Hanuman was born in the Rajbhar caste. Rajbhar, who heads the BJP ally Suheldev Bhartiya Samaj Party (SBSP), hit back at the Congress and Samajwadi Party for their new-found love for BR Ambedkar.
Addressing a public meeting, OP Rajbhar said, “Hanuman ji was born in the Rajbhar caste. When (demon) Ahiravan took Ram ji and Lakshman ji to Patal Puri, no one had the courage to bring them back. Only Hanuman ji, born in the Rajbhar caste, had the courage to do so. It was Hanuman ji who brought Ram and Lakshman ji out of Patal Puri.” He said, “Even today, elders in the village say that when young children fight, they are Bhar banars. Hanuman ji ka rahlan banars.”
He made this remark after the bhoomi pujan for the construction of the statue of Maharaja Suheldev at the main gate of Vasudev village in Chitradurga area of Ballia. Taking a dig at the opposition parties in the state, the SBSP chief said, ‘Samajwadi Party was so irritated by the name of Dr. Ambedkar before 2012 that it used to announce from the stage that after coming to power, it would demolish Ambedkar Park in Lucknow and build toilets.’