Life Style: Know the ways to remove pimple marks

Life Style: Acne and age spots on your face can affect your beauty. Acne often occurs on the face, but the stress level of the marks left after the acne is cured varies. To get rid of them, there are many expensive products available in the market which most people adopt. However, if you do not get results even after using beauty products, you can also resort to home remedies. Today we will talk about some such remedies that can help you get rid of acne and blemishes. If you try them regularly, not only will acne be reduced but also acne marks will disappear. If your skin is very sensitive then it can be dangerous to use it. For normal skin, make a paste by mixing rose water in one teaspoon of baking soda and apply it on the cook. Please clean after 15 minutes. Both rose water and turmeric are very beneficial for the skin. If you use them, your skin condition will also improve. It can also clear acne. To treat acne, take rose water and mix two pieces of turmeric in it and make a paste. Then boil it and leave it overnight. After waking up in the morning, wash your face with plain water. This will remove acne and blemishes.

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