Know the right time to eat cucumber

The wrong time to eat cucumber can make you ill. Yes, we are not saying this just like that, but it has been told in Ayurveda that people who have Kapha Dosha problem should think about the right time to eat cold things. Because, a person with Kapha dosha is more prone to cough, cold and lung problems. For such people, eating cucumber can become a cause of trouble.
Eating cucumber at night can increase the problem of Kapha dosha. Actually, cucumber has the highest amount of water and it is also of cold nature. In such a situation, when you eat cucumber at night, the problem of mucus in the lungs can increase. Due to this, you may have the problem of cough and cold again and again. That’s why one should avoid eating khari at night.
Eating cucumber at night can put pressure on your bowel movements. Because of this, your sleep may be affected and you may feel like passing urine frequently. It can also balance Kapha dosha by cooling your body overnight. Due to which if you have the problem of isophilia, then this problem can increase further. That’s why avoid eating cucumber at night.
Day time is the right time to eat cucumber. Especially in the morning on an empty stomach when the body has to work for the whole day and needs to be fresh. Also, eating cucumber during this time increases the metabolism rate and helps in removing many stomach problems. Therefore, if you have a lot of cough and cold problem, then avoid eating cucumber at night.

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