Maharashtra: An express train was coming from Mumbai to Kalyan, when a 23-year-old man took advantage of the crowd and molested a 22-year-old software developer woman. The woman questioned the man and immediately informed the railway police. Based on the woman’s complaint, the police have registered a case of molestation against the person concerned. The complainant woman lives in Kalyan area. She is a software developer.
According to the information given by the police of Kalyan Lohmarg Police Station, the complainant woman was coming from Mumbai to Kalyan by express train four days ago at around 10 pm. The express train was crowded. Due to lack of seating, she was traveling standing in the express train. At this time a 23-year-old youth was standing next to her. The youth was trying to come close to the woman. The woman first tried to stand away from the youth to avoid an argument. However, before reaching Kalyan railway station, the youth reached the woman and sexually assaulted her. When the youth did this in front of other passengers in the crowd, the complainant got angry. She immediately informed the railway police about the incident.
The woman went to Kalyan Lohmarg police station and lodged a complaint against the person concerned. The police have identified the person and registered a case against him. The 23-year-old person concerned is a salaried employee. This person lives in Bardan Gali area of Kalyan West. Police Sub Inspector Khonde of Lohmarg police station is investigating under the leadership of Senior Police Inspector Pandhari Kande.