Bhilai. Jaundice outbreak is increasing once again in Bhilai. More than 6 people are sick in ward 38 of zone three in the camp area. Councilor Piyush Mishra says that even after the complaint, the Zone Commissioner did not pay attention. After this he complained to the corporation commissioner, then the corporation’s team came and collected the water sample. The corporation has talked about supplying water through tankers for drinking.
Councilor Piyush Mishra of Ward 38 Sonia Gandhi Nagar of Bhilai Municipal Corporation told that dirty water is coming in his area for the last several days. Due to this area being of BSP, along with the corporation, BSP’s pipeline has been laid here. At this time there is no water coming in the pipeline of the corporation. Due to this people are drinking water supplied from BSP.
Corporation’s executive engineer Sanjay Sharma says that BSP water is infected. People are getting sick after drinking this water. He has collected samples of water from many houses in the locality. Testing will be done in his lab, after that it will be known whether the water is fine or infected. At present, the corporation has prohibited people from drinking pipeline water. Tanker will be provided for drinking water.