Jalandhar: In a significant crackdown on drug smuggling, the Phillaur police has busted an inter-state poppy husk smuggling racket operating between Madhya Pradesh and Punjab and arrested two persons. Acting on specific intelligence, a team of Phillaur intercepted a truck loaded with 1.44 quintals of powdered poppy husk concealed under sacks of onion and garlic during a naka operation near Lasara village. The arrested smugglers have been identified as Boota Singh and Kulwant Singh, both residents of Sant Nagar in Phillaur. The truck used for smuggling, bearing registration number Punjab-08-BR-9311, has also been seized. Talking to this correspondent, SSP Harkamal Preet Singh Khakh said that the operation was carried out by a police team led by DSP Sarwan Singh Bal and SHO Inspector Sanjeev Kapoor. During the naka, police conducted a thorough search of the vehicle and found eight sacks of poppy husk cleverly hidden under layers of vegetables.
Preliminary investigation revealed that the arrested persons were part of an organised drug syndicate transporting poppy husk from Madhya Pradesh to Punjab. Police have also identified two key associates involved in this racket, Bir Singh alias Ghona and Surjeet Singh alias Jeeta, who are absconding. They are believed to have played a key role in coordinating the operations and logistics of the smuggling network. Raids are being conducted to nab them and gather more evidence about the syndicate. SSP Khakh said both the accused have criminal records in the past. Buta Singh has been involved in theft cases, while Kulwant Singh has several cases registered against him under the NDPS Act. Investigators suspect that this racket has been operating for several years, smuggling poppy husk to Punjab and selling it at high prices in villages and towns across the state. SSP Khakh termed the seizure as a major setback to the inter-state drug trade. “This operation has disrupted a crucial supply chain that was bringing drugs into Punjab. Punjab Police is firm on its commitment to dismantle such networks and ensure a drug-free state,” he said. An FIR has been registered at Phillaur police station under sections 15, 61 and 85 of the NDPS Act.