Israel Knesset Speaker: Those Who Sent Terrorists For 26/11 Terror Attacks In Mumbai Should Be Brought To Justice

Speaker of Israel’s Knesset (parliament) Amir Ohana on Tuesday said the perpetrators who sent terrorists for the 26/11 terror attacks in Mumbai should be brought to justice.

Talking to reporters at the Nariman House, a Chabad House that witnessed a terror attack in November 2008 here, Ohana said terror does not differentiate between religion and race.

“We have yet to conclude this (26/11) terror event because we are still waiting for those who sent the terrorists to be brought to justice…the perpetrators,” Ohana said without naming Pakistan.

During the attack at Nariman House in south Mumbai, Pakistani terrorists killed rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg and his wife Rivka Holtzberg besides four visitors. The two-year-old son of the rabbi, baby Moshe, survived after being rescued by his Indian nanny, Sandra Samuel.

“Everyone who took part in this terrible terror attack should be brought to justice. This is a major part of counter-terrorism. First, we need to prevent (the attack), but once we don’t succeed to prevent, everyone needs to be brought to justice,” Ohana said.

Ten terrorists from Pakistan launched terror attacks on Mumbai on November 26, 2008, that lasted for four days, killing 166 people and injuring more than 300. Nine of the ten terrorists were also killed.

The Knesset speaker also said Jews have been living in India for centuries but they never experienced hatred, or anti-semitism, which is very unique. Ohana said as the speaker of the Knesset, he chose India as a country to visit.

He also visited the Knesset Eliyahoo synagogue in Mumbai. PTI PR NSK NSK

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