Hyderabad: Soulful music rang out on the second day at Shilparamam on Thursday as the 10th edition of the Hyderabad Thyagaraja Aradhana Music Festival 2025 kicked off. Organised by the Sanskruti Foundation, the music festival paid tribute to Sadguru Thyagaraja and the compositions of Carnatic music he has composed, which he has passed on to generations to come. Thursday evening began with a Harikatha concert by Shakambhari Kamesh, disciple of Guru Visakha Hari, who beautifully presented the essence of the Harikatha art form. She was accompanied by KK Ragavan on violin and Ch. Vedanta on mridangam.
The flute concert by Vidwan Nagaraju Talluri and Lalit Talluri set the stage on fire on the second day of the event at Shilparamam, Madhapur. The duo was accompanied by Vidwan Bhatti Pawan Singh on violin and Vidwan Dr. R. Srikanth on mridangam. The evening also saw a Kuchipudi performance titled ‘Manomanthan’ by Srividya Angara. The expression of emotions through abhinaya was a real treat for the audience and gave a wonderful finale to the second day of the festival. Guests of the evening included Kuchipudi Saralakumari, Dr. Raghu Paravela, former Income Tax Commissioner and Sitaram Sharma, who felicitated the artistes and the musicians who accompanied them.