Health: Keep these three things in mind regarding your child’s health

Health: Diabetes is a disease that can affect children as well. There is no cure for this disease and it causes damage to many other organs of the body. Therefore, to protect children from diabetes, they should be advised to adopt some healthy habits in their lifestyle. Let us know about healthy habits for children.

Today’s hectic unhealthy lifestyle is affecting not only adults but also children. Due to this, diabetes, which was once common to older people, is now affecting children as well. Nowadays, the risk of type-2 diabetes is increasing rapidly in children, which can prove to be very dangerous for them. Let us tell you that diabetes is a metabolic disease, to avoid which it is necessary to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, advise your children to adopt healthy habits from childhood. Actually, diabetes is an incurable disease, in which organs gradually start getting damaged. Therefore, keeping children safe from this disease is beneficial for them. Due to the increased blood sugar level in diabetes, many other organs including eyes, kidneys and heart start getting affected. This is because diabetes is such an incurable disease, which is impossible to get rid of. Yes, you can save your child from this by changing the lifestyle and following a better diet plan.

Breakfast is the first and most important meal of the day. Never let your child compromise on this. Many health reports have found that skipping breakfast in the morning increases obesity and also increases the risk of type-2 diabetes. In such a situation, make your children get into the habit of eating a healthy breakfast in the morning.

Do not give energy and sugary drinks to children – Most children like energy drinks or any flavored sugary drink, but the consumption of such drinks by children increases the risk of type-2 diabetes. Therefore, avoid giving energy or sugary drinks to your child. Instead, give your child natural healthy drinks like coconut water, fresh fruit juice, lassi etc.

Focus on physical activity
Children nowadays like to spend most of their time playing games on mobile, tablet and computer. In such a situation, due to lack of any physical activity, the risk of type-2 diabetes increases in children. Therefore, encourage them to do outdoor games, swimming and exercise.

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