Give music to the cow-buffalo and pour milk, this saying is not true

Just move away | We like listening to music. Music helps us a lot if we are feeling stressed. Many researches have confirmed that music can relieve mental stress, but do you know that just as listening to music increases productivity in humans, its effect can also be seen on cows and buffaloes.

In fact, a study by the National Dairy Research Institute of Karnal talks about the effect of music on cows and buffaloes. It has been reported that just as music helps humans to de-stress, it has a positive effect on animals as well. In this study done on dairy animals, it has been said that due to music, animals remain stress free.

music increases milk yield

The Climate Resilient Livestock Research Center, a branch of NDRI, conducted the study for four years. Thousands of dairy cattle were researched for this study. After this it came to light that music works to keep animals healthy. Not only this, their ability to give milk also increases, that is, listen to music to cows and buffaloes… and pour milk!

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