Get false teeth fitted for free, this facility is available in government hospital

Bilaspur. The facility of treatment of dental related diseases has now started in the government hospital located at Ratanpur in Bilaspur. Due to this, now the patients of the area will not have to spend money by going to private hospitals to get false teeth. The health department has started an initiative and provided facility where artificial teeth (RPD) are being made and fitted to the patients. Are.

On Monday, a 58-year-old female patient at the Community Health Center, Ratanpur, started it by applying Denture (False Teeth (RPD). This woman is the first patient who has been fitted with dentures at Ratanpur Health Center. Earlier this facility was not available in any government hospital in the entire district. Center in-charge Dr. on the instructions of CMHO Dr. Rajesh Shukla. With the joint efforts of Dr. Avinash Singh and dentist Dr. Vikrant Ghore, this treatment will now be available to the patients of Ratanpur area.

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