Do not make the mistake of eating these vegetables in monsoon, otherwise there will be a problem

Public Relations Webdesk | Everyone eagerly waits for the pleasant monsoon season. Because this is the season that gives relief to people from the scorching heat. But as much as this season is pleasant, the risk of diseases also increases in this season. Moreover, insects also start appearing in some other vegetables. Due to this, problems related to infection and digestion may have to be faced.
Today we are going to tell you the names of some such vegetables. Which should be avoided in monsoon. As soon as the monsoon arrives, we should stay away from some green vegetables. Like – spinach, fenugreek and greens etc. Because small insects fall in them, which are sometimes of the color of vegetables. which we cannot see.
You should also avoid eating mushrooms during the rainy season. Mushroom grows in polluted place and environment. Mushrooms are of different species, some are poisonous and some are edible. In such a situation, even edible mushrooms can be harmful to the body. Because there can be a risk of infection by eating it, due to which you may have vomiting and stomach pain.
Who doesn’t like piping hot brinjal bharta. But do you know that as soon as fruits and flowers come in the rain, insects start appearing. Insects attack the plants in such a way that about 70 percent of brinjals get spoiled.
Apart from green leafy vegetables, cabbage and cauliflower should also not be eaten during the rainy season. Because insects also fall in them during the rainy season. You should also not consume capsicum in the rainy season. Because there can be insects in it too.
The digestion process slows down during the rainy season. And some alkaline elements are present in tomatoes, which are called alkaloids in scientific language. It is a type of toxic chemical, which plants use to protect them from insects. In such a situation, excessive consumption of tomatoes in the rainy season can also cause skin related diseases. Like- having rashes, nausea, itching. In such a situation, it should be avoided to consume it in the rain.

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