UP. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Monday held an important review meeting regarding the progress of construction, staff arrangements and operation of three new universities of Uttar Pradesh, Maa Pateshwari University Balrampur, Maa Vindhyavasini University Mirzapur and Guru Jambheshwar University Moradabad. In this meeting, the Chief Minister has issued many important guidelines regarding the construction work of universities and emphasized the need for their timely completion.
The Chief Minister said that “a joint team should be formed to review the construction works, which includes representatives of the university, local administration and the implementing agency. It should be ensured that the work is completed on time and there is no compromise on quality”. He ordered the Higher Education Department to review the construction works every 15 days.
The Chief Minister also clarified that the construction work should be done in a phased manner. In the first phase, academic and administrative buildings should be constructed, then in the second phase, the Vice Chancellor, Faculty and Guest House should be constructed, and in the third phase, hostels should be constructed. During this process, the Vice Chancellors were asked to ensure that they regularly inspect the construction works and ensure quality.