Shimla. On New Year’s Eve, Chief Minister Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu reached the historic Ridge Ground in Shimla to celebrate. During this, he congratulated the tourists and local people for the New Year on the stage decorated for the Winter Carnival. He advised tourists and local people to live together.
During this, the Chief Minister also met the tourists and inquired about their well being. During this, Municipal Corporation Mayor Surendra Thakur welcomed the Chief Minister and wished everyone a Happy New Year. After this, CM Sukhu also performed a dance with the ministers and MLAs on the stage built on the ridge.
During this, Deputy Chief Minister Mukesh Agnihotri, Industries Minister Harsh Vardhan Chauhan, Education Minister Rohit Thakur, Public Works Minister Vikramaditya Singh, Panchayati Raj Minister Anirudh Singh, MLA Harish Janartha and others were present.