Tirupati: Chittoor district Superintendent of Police VN Manikanth Chandolu took over as the in-charge Chief Vigilance and Security Officer (CVSO) of Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam (TTD) at the TTD Administrative Building in Tirupati on Sunday. The post was vacant since January 9 after CVSO S Sridhar was transferred by the government. The decision was taken in the wake of the tragic stampede incident at Bairagipatteda in which six people died. Director General of Police (DGP) Chowdhary Dwaraka Tirumala Rao appointed SP Manikanth Chandolu as interim CVSO to ensure smooth functioning of the security operations of TTD. Earlier, he also took over as in-charge SP of Tirupati district on Saturday after the unexpected transfer of SP L Subba Rayudu in the wake of the same incident. As CVSO, SP Chandolu is expected to oversee security measures in TTD and ensure the safety of lakhs of devotees visiting the holy temple.