Celebrated International Women’s Day recognizing the outstanding achievements of GNRC Hospital

Guwahati: Today, Dispur unit of GNRC Hospital celebrated International Women’s Day by honoring three prominent personalities of Assam and recognizing the invaluable contribution of its women employees.

As a pioneer of specialty health care in Northeast India, GNRC Hospital maintains a legacy of excellence, known for its quality care, pioneering medical interventions and compassionate patient assistance.

In line with this year’s International Women’s Day theme, ‘Inspire Inclusion’, GNRC Hospitals proudly honored the following luminaries:

Additionally, the event honored 39 dedicated women GNRCians, including doctors, nurses and support staff, who have tirelessly served the community for over 25 years.

Dr. Saroj Singh, Quality Manager, GNRC Dispur gave a warm welcome while Group CEO, Dr. Ashish Malakar delivered the keynote address.

Highlighting the significance of the occasion, Ms. Priyanka Bora, Group Director, GNRC Group of Hospitals, said, “Today is not just a day of recognition; This is a moment for us to reflect on the journey of progress, the steps we have taken, and the way forward towards gender equality and empowerment.

Ms. Bora further added, “At GNRC, we understand and recognize the immense potential within every woman. Within the Swasthyamitra program of the GNRC Affordable Health Mission, an impressive 60% of our workforce and 52% of the overall GNRC Group workforce consists of dedicated and talented women. Their resilience, passion and unwavering dedication inspire us all and serve as a shining example of the transformative power of women in the healthcare sector.

In closing, Ms. Rumi Sarma, Senior Human Resource Manager expressed her gratitude to the veterans, media representatives and GNRC staff for their gracious presence and support.

GNRC Hospital reaffirms its commitment to advocate for the rights and aspirations of women everywhere, paving the way for a brighter and more inclusive future.

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