At the end of this year, darkness will cover the earth

India | The changing weather in the world is becoming a cause of concern for scientists and astronomers. Many reports have claimed that the temperature around the world is going to increase in the coming years. In such a situation, another news has put people in worry that the solar activity in the Sun is increasing rapidly. Not only this, it is growing so fast that even before 2025, a fireball will wreak havoc on the earth. According to scientists, the maximum temperature of the Sun is expected to increase by the end of this year (2024).

Alex James, a solar physicist at University College London, told Live Science, “The temperature of the Sun is going to peak prematurely and it will have a higher temperature than expected. Solar rising can start many serious problems on Earth. According to NASA, “Sunspots are areas that appear dark on the surface of the Sun. They appear dark because they are cooler than other parts of the Sun’s surface. Magnetic field lines near sunspots cause explosions when they reorganize, causing solar flares, releasing a lot of radiation into space.

NASA said the explosion released radiation that could interfere with our radio communications on Earth. In addition, another concern is the occurrence of solar storms, which consist of massive amounts of CMEs that travel through space and collide with Earth’s magnetic field. Geomagnetic storms can arise due to their influence. Due to this, satellites, communication, internet connectivity and GPS can be disrupted or damaged, it can also cause power grid failure.

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