Are you applying oil to your hair in the wrong way?

Public Relations Webdesk | Who does not want his hair to be long and thick, but due to poor diet and spoiled lifestyle, people’s hair starts falling a lot. The changing season also has a lot to do with hair fall. It is said that if your hair is falling then you should do proper hair oil massage. People also massage their hair, but do you know that there is a right way to apply oil to hair.

If you do not apply hair oil in the right way, then it can make your hair very weak. Yes, it sounds strange, but if you are also applying oil to your hair in the wrong way, then it can cause a lot of damage to the hair. That’s why today we will teach you how to apply hair oil in the right way so that your hair becomes strong. To apply oil to hair, first heat the oil slightly. Now comb the hair properly, then with the help of cotton or fingers, apply the oil from scalp to the end of the hair. Massage your scalp with light hands. After this, cover the hair with a light scarf and tie it. If you want, you can give steam to your hair during this time. After half an hour wash your hair with mild shampoo.

Never buy oil by looking at advertisements. Always take special care of your hair type while buying oil. If you use natural oil instead of chemical oil in your hair, it will be of great benefit.

Do not leave oil in your hair for long. By doing this, dust particles will stick in your hair, due to which the hair becomes weak. Try to wash the hair within half an hour.

People often make tight braids after applying oil, whereas this should not be done. By doing this, there is tension in the hair and hair starts falling more.

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