7 including foreign woman arrested for running sex racket

Ghaziabad. In the Shalimar Garden police station area of Ghaziabad, the police have arrested a total of 7 people, including a foreign woman running a sex racket, which includes three women and four men. Police have also found a Kazakhstani woman from here.

ACP Shalimar Garden Siddharth Gautam said that he had received information from an informer that a foreign woman was running a sex racket in the area. After this, they gathered women force and other forces and raided the mentioned flat. During this time, Maria, a woman from Kazakhstan, was found there. Along with him, other two women Poonam and Priya were also caught by the police. Four youths Aamir, Asif, Abhishek and Rohit were also caught along with them.

The intelligence department of the police is investigating this matter and is also trying to find out how long this foreign woman had been living and for how many days she was running the sex racket. How long is his visa and if it has expired then when did it expire. All these things are being investigated thoroughly.

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