Manendragarh-Chirmiri-Bharatpur. Instructions have been given to speed up the e-KYC work of the beneficiaries under the One Nation One Ration Card scheme in the district. As per the guidelines of the Government of India, it is mandatory to complete the e-KYC of all ration card holders through e-POS device.
At present, out of the total 2.71 crore beneficiaries of the state, e-KYC of 2.33 crore has been completed, while the work of 38 lakh is pending. At the same time, out of the total 3,65,697 ration card holders of MCB district, e-KYC of 3,02,935 has been completed so far. The work of the remaining 62,762 beneficiaries is still pending. The progress of e-KYC work in the district is 81.39 percent, which is less than the state average of 84.76 percent.
Keeping this situation in mind, instructions have been issued to complete the e-KYC work soon as per the instructions of Collector D. Rahul Venkat. At the same time, the Food Officer has instructed all the Food Inspectors of Manendragarh, Kelhari, Khargwan, Chirmiri and all the Operators/Sellers of Sha.U.M. Shop MCB and Commissioner Municipal Corporation Chirmiri, all Municipal Officers of Nagar Panchayat, Jhagrakhand, Khongapani, New Ledari, Chief Municipal Officer Manendragarh and all the Chief Executive Officers of Janpad Panchayat Manendragarh, Khargwan, Bharatpur that the work of e-KYC in the district is slow compared to other districts.