THRISSUR: Even a hailstorm could not dampen the spirit of the families who gathered at Olakara on Saturday, as their protests and struggles of decades ended with the state government recognising the land rights of tribal families residing there. Revenue Minister K Rajan inaugurated the function held to distribute land deeds to 44 tribal families of Olakara Unnathi in Pananchery panchayat on Saturday.
The families that live in Olakara were first displaced about 75 years ago during the construction of Peechi Dam in the Peechi-Vazhani forest region. Some families settled in Thamaravellachal region in Peechi forests while some moved to Olakara.
Those settled in Thamaravellachal received their forest rights several years ago, but the Olakara residents’ fight for their land rights continued. The tribal families even led protests in front of Thrissur Collectorate demanding land rights and community rights.