183 people converted to Christianity returned to Hinduism

Jashpur. A homecoming program was organized by Kalyan Ashram at Chiknipani in Pathalgaon block. In this, 183 people from 27 families of Baghbahar area were sent back home. Bajrang Dal District President and Jashpur Rajkumar Vijay Aditya Singh Judev washed everyone’s feet and made them return to their original religion. During this, a large number of local people were present at the venue.

Complaints of continuous conversion are being received in Ludeg Bagbahar, Chiknipani, Khuntapani Kotba area of Pathalgaon. Due to this the forest dwellers of this area are sad. People conveyed the information about the conversion of the forest dwellers to the Kalyan Ashram. This has also been a matter of concern for the office bearers of Kalyan Ashram. They deliberated on the matter and decided to stop it and start a campaign for the return of the converted forest dwellers. For this Jashpur Rajkumar Vijay Aditya Singh was sent to Chiknapani to return home.

District President of Bajrang Dal and Jashpur Rajkumar Vijay Aditya Singh Judeo said that “Jashpur district has seen a rapid increase in religious conversions. As a worker of Kalyan Ashram, when I visit villages, I come across such acts. It is being informed, which is unfair. People told me about the incident here that in Bagbahra area also some people of Christian religion are engaged in converting religion. Was given the task of returning home.

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