Chennai. In a horrific murder case that came to light from Chennai some time ago, the court has sentenced the convict to death. The verdict in this case of the year 2022 came on Monday. The convict had pushed the woman in front of a moving train, killing her on the spot. The related case was initially investigated by the local police, but was later transferred to the CB-CID.
A CB-CID release said that the convict Satish (30) pushed the victim, 20-year-old college student Satya, towards a moving suburban train at St Thomas railway station and she died instantly after the train passed over her. The man had been stalking her for some time. The release said that on Monday, the Mahila Court here pronounced the verdict for the offence under IPC 302 (punishment for murder), stating, “The accused is sentenced to death, and he is to be hanged by the noose till he dies.” The court also ordered Satish to pay a total fine of Rs 35,000 and a compensation of Rs 10 lakh to the victim’s family.
A similar horrific case came to light from Haryana in July. Here in Sonipat, a woman killed her live-in partner by pushing him in front of a train. As soon as the incident was reported, the police reached the spot, took possession of the body and sent it for post-mortem and started investigating the case. Revealing the blind murder, the police arrested the accused woman. After presenting her in the court, she was sent to jail.