
Unseasonal Rains: Eating Pineapple, Lemon, Kiwi Fruits? Boil Tulsi leaves in water and drink it.

If you eat food that boosts your immune system to prevent the onset of cough and cold, you will get relief from these health problems quickly. If you keep your body strong by taking fortified food, these will not come. Doctors say that it is not good to use antibiotics to prevent problems like cold and cough.

Natural tips…
►Boil Tulsi leaves in water and drink that water to relieve cold and cough.
►Combining turmeric with hot milk twice a day also provides relief.
►Drinking pepper decoction, putting cloves on the cheek and swallowing their juice, making hot masala tea and drinking it will give good results.

►If you mix one spoon of lemon juice and two spoons of honey in boiling water and drink it, you will get relief.
► Chewing ginger and drinking it as a decoction or making ginger tea and drinking it also gives relief

► Gargling with warm water mixed with a
little turmeric and salt will relieve the throat. There will be a result.

Vote for hot water…
►Those suffering from cough and cold should avoid cold drinks.
►Similarly, instead of drinking cold water taken from the fridge, whenever you drink water, it is better to drink only warm water.

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