Troubled by cold and fog, prayed to gods for rain

Market. Farmers and gardeners are worried due to lack of rain. Along with this, dense fog and cold winds have trapped the common people. Due to smog in Mandi district, it has become difficult to drive vehicles on the roads. The fog is so dense that it has become difficult to see even the vehicle moving ahead. The situation is such that the entire market, wrapped in dense mist and fog, is going through severe cold, due to which the common people are also being affected. Due to heavy smog on the roads, drivers are forced to drive with their lights on.

To escape the cold and winter, people can be seen burning fires in every street and locality. People are troubled by cold and fog, but due to lack of rain they are feeling disappointed. Rabi crops, which have been waiting for snow and rain for almost three months, have now reached the verge of complete drying up. There was no rain or snow in the next two-four days.

Then clouds of danger will start looming over the gardens too. Let us tell you that while the harsh cold and fog have increased the problems of farmers and gardeners, on the other hand, due to dry cold, many people have become vulnerable to diseases like cold and fever.

Every day hundreds of people are reaching the nearest health institution to get their treatment. Farmers and gardeners say that this is the first time after decades that about 70 percent of the winter season is about to end, but till now neither rain drops have fallen from the sky, nor has it snowed. Could. It may or may not be raining or snowing, but every morning the earth is covered with a blanket of dense fog. Due to this severe cold, people who used to go for a walk every morning are now confined to their homes.

To get relief from the long-running drought, the people of the area have now started praying to the local gods and goddesses for early rain and snowfall. The worshipable deity of Mandi is also repeatedly pleading for rain from Kamrunag. At the same time, people are also performing havan etc. to make it rain.

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