Tricolor on shoulder, young man traveling upside down

Durg. Mehul Lakhani of Dongargarh has set out on a tour of India walking backwards carrying the Tricolour. Started the journey 3 days ago from Dongargarh. Now walked 80 kilometers and reached the power house of Bhilai on Monday. Left for Raipur again on Tuesday morning. After meeting CM Sai here, we will proceed towards Ayodhya. Mehul had earlier traveled 46 thousand KM by bicycle from MP to Bhutan, Nepal, which was covered in 27 months. Mehul wants to show mother 12 Jyotirlingas.

While talking to Bhaskar, Mehul told that he has started this journey with national salute and national consciousness. So that people remain aware of health, nature and culture. Mehul told that he has been a Vidya Bharti teacher in Madhya Pradesh. He told that when he searched and read on Google about traveling to India, he came to know that no one has done this in India till now.

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