Three thousand people ran for half marathon in Taj city

Agra: Around three thousand runners took part in the half marathon organized by Agra Sports Foundation. Thousands of runners were present in the stadium before the morning rays scattered across the cloud covered sky. Taking part in the marathon was more exciting to him than the desire to win. To further increase their enthusiasm, there was a warm-up on drums and explosive music. Nearly three thousand people, ranging in age from 7 years to 90 years, participated with zeal and enthusiasm in the marathon that started from Eklavya Stadium organized by Agra Sports Foundation on Sunday.
Runners had come from different districts of the state to participate in the marathon. The marathon organized in three categories (5 km, 10 km, 21 km half marathon) was flagged off by Agra’s first Iron Man Ridhim Garg. Doctors, businessmen, housewives, social workers and people from all walks of life participated in this marathon. Additional Commissioner Administration Agra Rajesh Kumar and ACP Traffic Areeb Ahmed also participated in the 21 km half marathon. Most of the runners completed the 21 km marathon in one and a half hour, the 10 km marathon in 45 minutes and the 5 km marathon in half an hour. Hydration points were installed at various places for the runners. Cultural programs were organized at the conclusion of the marathon. There was so much enthusiasm among the people about the marathon organized for the first time in Agra that the organizers had to do registration on the spot also. President of Agra Sports Foundation, Dr. Vikas Mittal said that about two and a half thousand registrations were done, due to which the number of participants in the marathon reached more than 3 thousand.

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