Mumbai: There are many in the industry who fell in love and got married but then got divorced. The list also includes Bollywood’s Greek God couple Hrithik Roshan and Sussanne Khan. Hrithik was in love with Suhana even before he entered the movies. He married her in the year 2000. She entered the industry the same year. The couple has two sons, Hrihaan and Hridaan. Whatever happened after that, Hrithik and Sussanne broke up in 2014. So they maintain their relationship as good friends rather than being enemies. Currently, Hrithik is in love with actress Saba Azad while Sussanne is in love with Arslan Goni. These two love birds often go on hunting trips and dinner dates, attracting media attention. However, the question for many remains what exactly led to Hrithik and Sussanne breaking up after a love marriage. Recently Hrithik’s father, director, producer and actor Rakesh Roshan reacted to this. He said… What happened is done. Just because we have separated does not mean that Suzanne is nothing to us. They fell in love with each other and got married! Differences arose between them! Then it is up to them to resolve it! However, he still comes to our house. He said that he will consider her a member of his family.
Talking about son Hrithik and daughter Sunayana… Both of them are afraid of me. I don’t know why. He is not a person who shouts at anyone when he comes in front of him, nor is he a person who scolds unnecessarily. Otherwise, I would be disciplined. When I was young, these two children did not talk to me fearlessly. But now they are enjoying. He said that we will all get together and talk like friends. Recently a documentary called The Roshans was released on the Rakesh Roshan family. Rakesh had previously fought against throat cancer and won.