This is the surefire remedy for Wednesday, money shortage will go away

Astrology News: Today is Wednesday, which is dedicated to Lord Ganesha. On this day, devotees worship Lord Ganesha and observe fasts. It is believed that along with worship and fasting, if Shri Ganesh Chalisa is recited on this day. If the recitation is done with devotion, financial problems go away.
Ganesh Chalisa—
, Doha ॥
Jai Ganpati Sadgun Sadan,
Kavivar Badan Kripal.
Removing obstacles and auspicious work,
Jai Jai Girijalal.
, Chaupai ॥
Jai Jai Jai Ganpati Ganaraju.
Auspicious for filling Mars: Cashew nuts.
Jai Gajabadan Sadan, giver of happiness.
Vishwa Vinayaka the creator of wisdom.
Curved trunk, clean trunk, pleasant.
Tilak Tripund Bhaal Man Bhavan ॥
Rajat Mani Muktan Ur Mala.
Golden crown, head and eyes are huge.
Book Paani Kuthar Trishulan.
Enjoy Modak with fragrant flowers.
Beautiful yellow amber body.
Charan Paduka Muni Man Rajit.
Dhani Shiv Suvan Shadanan Bhrata.
Gauri Lalan world renowned.
Riddhi-siddhi tav chaanwar improve.
Mushak vehicle sohat door ॥
Tell me your happy birth story.
Very pure, pure, auspicious.
Once upon a time Giriraj Kumari.
How heavy is the penance for a son? 10 ॥
Bhayo Yagya when complete Anupa.
Then you reached the earth Dwij form.
Guest Jani’s Gauri Sukhari.
Served you in many ways.
You are very happy, Dinha.
Who did the penance for the welfare of the mother and son?
I have a son, you have a huge intellect.
Pregnancy without pregnancy is black.
To establish knowledge of calculative qualities.
The first form of worship is God.
Somewhere there is an antardhan form.
There is a child’s form on the cradle.
Become a baby crying whenever you decide.
Lakhi face is not happiness but looks like Gauri.
Gross happiness, happy villages.
Suran from the navel, Suman Varshavahin.
Shambhu, Uma, Bahudan Lutavahin.
Good sage, come to see the sleep.
Lakhi aati anand auspicious saja.
Shani Raja also came to see. 20॥
My own demerits and virtues are Shani Mana Mahi.
Child, don’t want to see.
Girija, please increase some discrimination.
Utsav peacock, neither Shani tuhi bhayo ॥
Shani started saying, my mind hesitated.
What are you doing, the child is charming.
No faith, Uma ur bhayu.
Let me tell you to look at the children of Shani.
Padtahi Shani Drig Kon Prakash.
Akasha, the child’s head flew away.
Girija fell and the earth got disturbed.
So the sad state has not gone away Varani.
Howl, please Kailasha.
Shani destroys the sleep of many people.
Immediately Garuda ascended Vishnu Sidhayo.
The wheel is cut and the head is brought to the yard.
Hold the child’s torso up.
Read Pran Mantra, Shankar Daryo.
Who said the name Ganesh Shambhu then?
First respected wisdom fund, groom gave. 30 ॥
When Shiva said the intelligence test.
I took a circumambulation of the earth.
Come on Shadanan, forget the illusion.
You sit and create the wisdom solution.
Took the feet of parents.
Whose seven directions are there?
Where is Dhani Ganesh, Shiva is Harse.
The sky is full of beautiful blessings.
Your glory and wisdom are magnified.
Shesh Sahasmukh could not sing.
I am a meaningless, filthy miserable person.
What method should I appeal to you?
Bhajat Ramsundar Prabhudasa.
Jag Prayag, Kakra, Durvasa.
Now Lord have mercy on Dina.
Give some of your power and devotion. 38 ॥
, Doha ॥
Shri Ganesh this Chalisa,
Read and meditate.
Every new auspicious house is settled,
The world respects me.
Relationships are thousands of years old,
Rishi Panchami Dinesh.
Purna Chalisa is over,
Mangal Murti Ganesh ॥

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