Mumbai: Bollywood actor Sunny Deol is the hero of Hindi film ‘Jatt’ directed by Tollywood director Gopichand Malineni. Randeep Hooda, Vineet Kumar Singh, Saiyami Kher, Regina Cassandra are in other roles. Produced by Naveen Yerneni, Y Ravishankar, TG Vishwaprasad under the banner of Mythri Movie Makers and People Media Factory, the release date of the film has been fixed.
The film will be released in summer on April 10 and its new poster was released on Friday. The unit said, “‘Jatt’ is a big action film. The teaser of ‘Jatt’ which was released on 12,500 screens worldwide along with the film ‘Pushpa 2: The Rule’ got a great response. The action scenes of this film will attract the audience.” The film has music by Thaman, camera by Rishi Punjabi, CEO of Cherry, Baba Saikumar Mamidipalli and Jaya Prakash Rao (JP) are the executive producers.