Mumbai: Naga Chaitanya and Sai Pallavi are playing the lead roles in the film ‘Thandel’. This film is directed by Chandoo Mondeti. The film is being shot in the backdrop of a fishing village. This is Chandoo Mondeti’s second film after Karthikeya 2, so there are a lot of expectations from it. This film is being presented by Allu Arvind and produced by ‘Bunni’ Vasu under the banner of Geetha Arts. It seems that the shooting of this film, which is coming in the Pan India range, is in the final stages.
A song named Bujjithahalli has already been released from this film. Recently this song has achieved a rare feat. It has received 40 million views on YouTube. The film crew has shared it on social media. Chaitu’s fans are expressing happiness about it. The release date of this film has been officially announced. Everyone thought that this film would be released on the occasion of Christmas and Sankranti. However, due to several reasons, the makers have announced that Thandel is coming on a different date. It has been announced that the film will release on February 7 in a pan India range in Telugu, Hindi, Kannada, Tamil and Malayalam.
But initially they wanted to release ‘Thandel’ on December 28, but it did not work out. However, producer Arvind said that he had planned to release it as a Sankranti gift, but he had to give up as there were many films in competition at that time. So, it was finally announced that it will be released on February 7. The film is based on the story of a fisherman family from Srikakulam, starring Naga Chaitanya and Sai Pallavi in the lead roles. The film is based on true events that took place in 2018. The film will show the cultural and social aspects of Srikakulam as well as the lives of fishermen. A fisherman named Raju from Srikakulam district accidentally enters Pakistani waters. Due to this, Pakistani naval officers arrest him. The film ‘Tandel’ was made based on this incident. The film shows the struggle of the fisherman’s girlfriend to bring him back to India.