
Tamil Nadu: Transformative justice in Tamil Nadu, a model state with gay-friendly policies

The vivacious smile Vidya was born and raised in Tamil Nadu. She is a trans woman who faced many hardships that forced her to seek asylum in Switzerland. She is proud to have been a pioneer in advocating for changes that would make Tamil Nadu a model state with gay-friendly policies. Vidya recalls, “A few of us initiated the policy changes being celebrated today. I was one of the first women to undergo sex reassignment surgery (SRS), which was an unpleasant experience and required corrective surgery. “I was a guinea pig, but the situation has improved a lot.

He recalls the challenges faced by transgender people of his time who raised their voices at a time when such advocacy for gay rights was rare. In 2008, the state created the Transgender Welfare Council, which initiated transgender policies aimed at providing opportunities in health, education, and employment to transgender people. The state government has also launched a free SRS programme. An important step towards enabling people to realise their chosen gender identity. Also, Tamil Nadu was the first state to pass a government regulation granting transgender people the right to self-recognise their gender identity.

The state’s efforts to increase law enforcement awareness, promote gender-neutral education, and foster social inclusion through various welfare programmes have significantly contributed to its reputation as a pioneer in gay rights. Additionally, Tamil Nadu banned sex selection surgery in 2019, the first such ban in Asia. Tamil Nadu’s history as a pioneer in gay rights dates back to the 2000s, long before the establishment of the State Transgender Council in 2008.

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