Surgical room connected to audio visual, first innovation in the state

Pali. Innovation has been made in the Government Bangar Hospital attached to Pali Government Medical College. An auditorium in the hospital has been dedicated in the name of Maharishi Sukshut, the father of Indian surgery. Two rooms of the hospital have been connected through audio visual.

Principal and Director of Mandikal College, Dr. Deepak Verma said that with this new facility, 40 graduate students will be trained simultaneously by showing live telecast of routine surgeries. Along with this, many types of seminars etc. can also be organized.

The benefit of which will first be availed by post-graduate students as well as college medical teachers working in various departments. After this, patients will benefit from his knowledge. Live telecast of the surgeries being performed in the operating rooms will be done on a big screen in the audio visual room. Students will be able to ask questions and get answers from the doctors performing the procedure.

Dr. Verma said that postgraduate courses will be started in many clinical subjects this year. Using this new room, a workshop on telescopic therapy of hernia will be conducted by the surgery department this month. A workshop will be organized by the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics in the month of February for diagnosing diseases of the uterus through binoculars.

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