Surat: Incidents of dog bites increased, vaccination and surgery of stray dogs increased

In Surat Municipal Corporation, cases of dog bites on children and other people are continuously coming to the fore. The way dogs are attacking children playing around the house, a very serious situation has arisen. The municipality has started taking serious action regarding this.

Arrangement increased in DC (Dog Center) center

The menace of stray dogs has increased a lot in Surat city. Stray dogs bite passers-by every day. Mad dogs also roam around the city indiscriminately and bite, which also increases the chances of death. The DC center has been set up in Surat’s Bhestan area. In which deworming and vaccination of dogs is done and the system of keeping stray dogs in cages has also been increased.

65-70 operations are being done daily

In Surat city, the municipal corporation is now taking vigorous action to catch dogs and the number of deworming and vaccination operations has also been doubled. Under normal circumstances only 30 to 35 dog operations were done daily in the DC center of Surat Municipal Corporation, but now this number has been increased to 65 to 70 operations daily to control dog bite incidents.

Teams have been deployed in every zone

Upper Market Superintendent Dr. Rajesh Gelani told that earlier Surat Municipal Corporation had a total of 42 cages to keep dogs in the DC Center, which has now been increased to a total of 97 cages, due to which the capacity and center to keep dogs in DC has increased. has also increased. Earlier it could accommodate 432 dogs but now it can accommodate more than 522 dogs. Earlier there used to be a team of two doctors but now its number has been doubled. Now, instead of 30 to 35 operations per day, a total of 65 to 70 operations for detoxification and vaccination are being performed by four doctors. Dog catching teams are working in every zone.

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