Snake killed woman and man

Jagdalpur. A villager living in Kutumsar of Darbha police station area was bitten by a snake in his hand while collecting wood in the forest, after which he was brought to Mekaj, while the woman of Dantewada village was sleeping in the house, when the snake bit her in the waist. . Both died in Mekaj.

Giving information about the case, the family members said that 50-year-old Sukhman had gone to the forest, one kilometer away from his house, to break wood on Wednesday afternoon, when he was picking up the fallen wood, during which the snake bit him. Bitten in the hand, after which the villager ran away from there and reached his home on foot, where he told his relatives about the snake bite. The family members took him in a motorcycle and took him to Neganar Health Center, from where he was referred to Mekaj in view of his poor condition, where he died.

While Rame Mandavi’s husband Maso Mandavi (27 years) living in Pondum of Dantewada district was sleeping in her house on Wednesday morning, suddenly a karait snake bit the woman in the waist while sleeping. The woman told the family members. The relatives killed the snake after seeing it with an axe, while the woman was taken to Dantewada for treatment, from where she was referred to Mekaj.

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