MP. A 14-year-old school student in Bhopal had a narrow escape when he suddenly saw a poisonous snake hiding in his school shoe. Actually, the student was wearing shoes to go to school. He had worn the shoe on one foot but as soon as he put the other foot in the shoe, he felt that there was something in the shoe, there was some movement. He picked up the shoe and saw that a huge snake was hiding inside. As soon as the snake was seen, the student threw the shoe and screamed and called the family members.
After this, the family members picked up the shoe with a wooden stick and put it in a big polythene and put it in a bucket and took it to the forest and left the snake there. During this, the family members also made a video of the snake, which was later shown to a snake expert and it was found that the snake found in the shoe was Russell Viper which is a very poisonous species of snake. This is such a dangerous snake whose bite causes death in a few minutes.
In Madhya Pradesh, most of the deaths due to snakebite are caused by Russell Viper. Experts recommend some precautions to protect from snakes, such as keeping the house clean and around it, walking cautiously in dense forests, bushes and fields, not putting hands in mud pits, using a torch while going out at night and wearing rubber shoes. In case of snake bite, one should go to the hospital as soon as possible, avoiding quackery and try to keep the affected person calm to prevent the effect of the poison.