Smartphones may exacerbate mental health problems in children

New Delhi: A recent survey has made it clear that if children are given smartphones, they will be surrounded by mental health problems. Research has revealed that the negative effects of smartphones are more for women. The survey was conducted by US-based non-profit Sapien Labs. This organization has compiled the data of 27,969 people from 40 countries including India across the world. Among them there are 4000 Indians. It has been found in the research that there are more suicidal thoughts in children who have smartphones from the age of 10 years.

It has been found that those who own a smartphone early on are more aggressive than those who have access to smartphones late. The researchers found that girls who got mobile phones in their teens were more likely to suffer from monthly health problems compared to others. It has been found that if children use mobile phones at a young age, then psychological problems are more prevalent.

Researchers said that 42 percent of men who use smartphones for the first 24 years experience mental health problems, while 36 percent of those who have a smartphone at the age of 18 years experience mental health problems. The details of this study warn parents that the later they give smartphones to their children, the better they will be for their mental health. Experts suggest that parents should focus on the children’s social growth as well as the physical things they have lost with phones and the ability to face problems.

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