Durg. Today a new officer was nominated in Shraman Sangh Mahila Mandal Durg, the leading service-oriented organization of Durg in religious social cultural services. Before this, Sarita Shrimal, Sapna Sancheti and Chanda Runwal completed their brilliant tenure with the support of members of all sections of the Sangh society. Under their leadership, a new work was established with the coordination of many programs.
Mahila Mandal President Sarita Srishrimal, while giving her last presidential address, said that in the year 2019, the Sangh had handed over the reins of Shramana Sangh Mahila Mandal to us. In these 5 years, we got full support from each and every member of Mahila Mandal, due to which we are able to take Mahila Mandal to greater heights. In this work, I got full support from Minister Sapna at every moment, during my lifetime, these unforgettable and indelible memories will always be imprinted in my mind. During the tenure of these 5 years, the President of the Sangh, Minister and Swadhyay Mandal. Due to the full cooperation of each member, Shramana Sangh Durg is known throughout India for its work.
Sapna Sancheti, Minister of Shraman Sangh Mahila Mandal, said that I am thankful to the members of the Mandal. Whenever the members were entrusted with the work of the activities of the Mandal, each member performed the responsibility of this month with full dedication, for which I thank him wholeheartedly. I do. It is through cooperation, love and activism with everyone that Shramana Sangh Mahila Mandal is moving towards greater heights. This activism, efforts to learn knowledge, meditation, awareness and dedication towards our Sangh should keep increasing day by day.
Newly appointed President of Shraman Sandh Mahila Mandal, Rachita Srishrimal expressed her gratitude to all the members for being nominated as the President. She said that in every work of the Sangh, we all will work with new energy and new enthusiasm and will bring glory to the name of the Sangh. The members of Mahila Mandal together honored Sarita Shrishrimal Sapna Sancheti and Chanda Runwal by giving mementos.