Dantewada. In Jagdalpur, a young man came out of the city with the desire to become a villain. Holding a knife in his hands in filmy style, he was threatening people in the market. Someone complained about this to the police, soldiers reached the spot. After this the young man was caught. A knife was recovered from him. The police exposed his arrogance and he was put behind the bars. The matter is of City Kotwali area.
According to the information, the name of the accused youth is Hemraj Nag (31), who is a resident of Danteshwari ward of Jagdalpur. The youth reached Sanjay Bazaar on Sunday. Started scaring people in this main market of the city. He was threatening people by holding a knife in his hands. The knife was visible to people passing by. People present nearby informed the police about this act.
City police station personnel reached the spot, after which the young man was caught. A knife was recovered from him. Police officers said that he was scaring people by showing them a knife. After the arrest, he has been sent on judicial remand. The police are making continuous efforts to stop crime.